What If It's Not?
Fortnightly musings on Katrina Collier’s shift from emotional dysregulation and self-loathing, to inner-calm and self-love, and finally self-mastery.

What If It’s Not As Stated?
Stated in black and white Yet, the English language is full of nuances. What is stated can have...
What If It’s Not Apathy?
What if our apathy is self-sacrifice? What if we can no longer be impassive or indifferent? In...
What If It’s Not Quixotic?
Quietly quixotic My father was born in 1929 and as a teenager in Australia vividly remembered...
What If It’s Not Answerable?
What if there isn't an answer? What happens when you haven't got an answer or, worse, say the...
People-Pleasing, What If It’s Not Pleasing?
People-pleasing: please stop it! Publishing this between Christmas and New Year may be the...
What If It’s Not True?
Do you know if it's true? Yesterday I saw a post from The Guardian stating that 'the Majority...
What If It’s Not Good For You?
What is good for you? You. As I write many people are experiencing a challenging Thanksgiving...
What If It’s Not In Their Best Interest?
Is it in their interest or self-serving? How often do we rush in to share our opinions, help,...
What If It’s Not Independence?
What if it's hyper-independence? Have you seen this Reel? 👇🏻 The caption says 'Therapist: You...
What If It’s Not ‘I Should’?
Should You? Maybe You Shouldn't. 🤷♀️ 'I should exercise more.' 'I should sleep more' 'I...