Ep. 22 Breaking The Stigma with Matt Jessop

Ep. 22 Breaking The Stigma with Matt Jessop

Matt Jessop talks about breaking the stigma and asking for help Does seeking help make you feel like you are giving up your power? Does guilt get in the way every time you put your needs first? In a society that often glorifies selflessness and sacrifice, it’s...
Ep. 21: Doing The Inner Work with Amanda Ashworth

Ep. 21: Doing The Inner Work with Amanda Ashworth

Amanda Ashworth found the inner work key! Do you feel like success is within reach, but something, perhaps even yourself, is holding you back? Are those nagging limiting beliefs and negative self-talk holding you back from reaching your full potential? Doing the...
Ep. 20: You Are In Progress with Patrick Mullarkey

Ep. 20: You Are In Progress with Patrick Mullarkey

Patrick Mullarkey is in progress Patrick felt it was time to address the baggage he was carrying and to accept that he is in progress. We covered a lot in our conversation, including: wondering what you lose when you address trauma never arriving but being in progress...
Ep. 19: Being Self-Curious with Amanda Lamont

Ep. 19: Being Self-Curious with Amanda Lamont

Amanda Lamont has wonderful self-inquisitiveness It was so great to catch up with Amanda and hear how beneficial she has found it to be curious about her thoughts and behaviours. She has learned, since booking herself a psychologist back at school, that taking a...